Collecting and Analyzing Spoken Utterances for a Speech Controlled Application

Label 95mue1
Title Collecting and Analyzing Spoken Utterances for a Speech Controlled Application
Authors Johannes Müller, Holger Stahl
Type Scientific Conference Paper
Abstract To estimate the parameters of stochastic knowledge bases for a speech understanding system, many utterances spoken by many people have to be examined. For the regarded domain of a 'graphic editor', two different manners of collecting training data are discussed. An analysis of spoken commands recorded by a 'Wizard of Oz' simulation shows that the way to talk to a computer usually depends on how familiar a subject is with a computer.
Keywords: speech understanding, training of stochastic models, 'Wizard of Oz' simulation
Reference Proceedings Eurospeech '95 (Madrid, Spain, 1995), pp. 1437-1440
Published September 1995
Language English
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