Enterprise Microblogging for Advanced Knowledge Sharing: The References@BT Cas...

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Title Enterprise Microblogging for Advanced Knowledge Sharing: The References@BT Case Study
Authors Johannes Müller, Alexander Stocker
Type Scientific Journal Article
Abstract Siemens is well known for ambitious efforts in knowledge management, providing a series of innovative tools and applications within the intranet. References@BT is such a web-based application with currently more than 7,300 registered users from more than 70 countries. Its goal is to support the sharing of knowledge, experiences and best-practices globally within the Building Technologies division. Launched in 2005, References@BT features structured knowledge references, discussion forums, and a basic social networking service. In response to use demand, a new microblogging service, tightly integrated into References@BT, was implemented in March 2009. More than 500 authors have created around 2,600 microblog postings since then. Following a brief introduction into the community platform References@BT, we comprehensively describe the motivation, experiences and advantages for an organization in providing internal microblogging services. We provide detailed microblog usage statistics, analyzing the top ten users regarding postings and followers as well as the top ten topics. In doing so, we aim to shed light on microblogging usage and adoption within a globally distributed organization.
Keywords: Enterprise 2.0, Web 2.0, enterprise microblogging, knowledge management, knowledge sharing, microblogging, social media
Reference Journal of Universal Computer Science, vol. 17, no. 4 (2011), pp. 532-547
More Info  www.researchgate.net/publication/220348685
Published April 2011
Language English
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